anima mundi...
Anima Mundi is a Greek term meaning world soul. Plato used this term, it is similar to the Hegelian geist or spirit, the hindu Atman, Emerson's oversoul, many cultures have a word meaning something similiar. The collective has a destiny just like an individual does. This destiny seems to manifest through the affairs of man since he is said to be the most conscious of the species. Mundane astrology is the study of the astrology of politics and human affairs, therefore is of particular interest here. Looking at the larger cycle of the procession of the equinox which is a 26,000 year cycle, we are now entering into the Age of Aquarius. This cycle changes signs every 2150 years. The current sign planets are in and the angular aspects they make to each other all have an influence as they would on an individual person.
Thema Mundi-birth of the world chart.This is a mythic chart where the ruling planet of each sign is in that sign.
4th century astrologer,Firmicus Maternus-
 "There was no one there at the time when the universe was created by the plan of the divine Mind and foreseeing Will. … The divine wise men of old invented the birth chart of the universe so that it would be an example for astrologers to follow in the charts of men."
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