Azoth is a term used in alchemy which refers to the animating spirit in all matter that makes the transformation from base metal into gold possible. The main goal of the alchemist was the purification of the soul not wealth. It is similiar in meaning to the Ain soph of the Kabbalists, the divine spirit in Christianity, the prana of the hindus, the chi of the Chinese, the mana of the Polynesians, the od of the ancient Germans, the orenda, wakd, Mahopac, manitowi, or pokunt of the Americian Indian tribes. I am fascinated by Structuralism, the idea that all cultures share the same set of building blocks in their language, religion and mythology. We are all more the same than different, even in the tendency to dissent. Hermeticism or the teachings of Thoth (Egyptian) or Hermes Trismegistus (Greek) included alchemy, astrology, and theurgy (the art of ritual) along with other things such as mathematics, medicine, and the written language. These are the basis of all religions. The word azoth is originally derived from the arabic word for mercury, the element. It is of interest that the word azoth contains both the first and last letter of the alphabet as if to give it some magicial relevance.
I am very much influenced by the work of Carl Jung the eminent 20th century psychoanalyst. He studied all the ancient arts; astrology, alchemy and mythology. After all, the planets are named after gods or what he would call archetypes, those deeply ingrained mythic characters we are all so familiar with. His thesis was that life's goal is about becoming whole, to bring to light and assimilate the collective unconscious and it's archetypes as well as the personal unconscious which are both inherit in the birthchart.
I have been studying astrology for over 40 years now. Even back in Catholic grade school I had a endless curiosity for reading about different religions, methods of divination, the supernatural, philosophy and psychology.I am a quintessential first wave Indigo, INFJ, Virgo born in 1959. One of those innovative, creative, free thinking, truth seeking humanists with the mission of keeping the species heading towards the thesis of respect for the planet's ecology, our fellow humans, and righteous leaders. I am also an artist, artisan, architect. I have degrees in construction technology and fine art.
It would seem that my destiny is to be of service in shedding some light on the dark, using astrology and intuition to offer guidance through the triumphs, trials and tribulations that one might come to experience.
" There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life" -Varahamihira